Our mission is to nurture values of global citizenship and foster youth activism.


At Junior Peacemakers, we define global citizenship as the idea that one’s responsibilities and rights transcend geographical and political borders and are derived from membership to "humanity". In practice, this means that regardless of who we are and where we are from, we are all equally entitled to our human rights which comes with the responsibility of respecting and upholding the rights of others and of our planet. By participating in youth activism, defined as community-organizing for positive social change, children, teenagers and young adults can embrace their global citizenship to help improve their communities. 

We believe that by providing global citizenship education, we can inspire children to adopt behaviors and learn the skills that will enable them to become responsible decision makers in order “to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment” (The United Nations). 

Our primary focus is on encouraging elementary and middle school students to make a difference in their community by inspiring a sense of global awareness through fun, interactive activities and discussions. Setting an example for the children we work with, we also lead initiatives with the goal of benefiting the well-being of our communities.