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volunteer: Lilla Adams

"My first experience with Junior Peacemakers, during my second year, was absolutely amazing and inspired me to return ever since. I was astounded by just how interesting — and interested — these students are, which makes every session a completely new and fun experience. I remember a discussion on food and resource access led to ideas from the students about animal rights and communism — I don’t think I could even spell communism when I was that age, let alone apply it in detail!"

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volunteer: Elizabeth franceschini

“When I participated in the Junior Peacemakers program during my first year at McGill, I came to realize how opinionated and observing children can be about the world around them. The Junior Peacemakers program is a wonderful outlet for children to express their stances on several global issues, giving them a voice and empowering their sense of being. I am glad to be apart of this mission!”